Sunday, August 2, 2009

Monday, August 3rd, 2009 on the Doctor Ira Breite Show on Doctor Radio: Sirius 114 and XM 119

August is here. Before I head out to a brief vacation in Montana (any tips: let me know!) we have a "can't miss" summer show planned!

First: thyroid medication controversy. Did you know there may have been slip-ups in a factory making generic thyroid medication....listen to me and Dr. Bert Agus discuss this and find out what happened and how it can affect you. Call us with your thyroid and medication questions at 1-877-NYU DOCS!

After Dr. Agus, our medication theme continues! Many medication can pull double duty: did you know that you can use a transplant anti-rejection drug for a common skin condition! Join me and Amin Emamifar, Pharm D. MBA, of Emory University in Atlanta to discuss "double-duty" drugs! How double duty? How about Botox for Migraines!

Call us with you medication questions at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Reflux is a common condition (I often joke that my children are going to college because of it!). New research from right here at NYU-Langone may change how we think about this incredibly common condition. Join me and NYU researcher Dr. Zhiheng Pei as we talk about new research, what it means to you and your family!

Call us with your questions about reflux...hear answers from the laboratory bench to the office! at 1-877-NYU-DOCS.

Of course, we will finish the show with Ask Doctor Ira, where I will answer any medical question at all! I would like to thank everyone for emailing their questions to us as really helps us plan show topics that we know you want to us at 1-877-NYU-DOCS or you can email me at irabreite(AT)

You can also follow me on Twitter:

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