Saturday, January 8, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011 on the Doctor Ira Breite Show on Sirius 114 and XM 119: Doctor Radio

Old giants, new technologies and a new you! We have a really interesting show lined up for you this Monday.

First the giants. Charles Byrne was enormous: seven feet seven inches at a minimum. Before dying of tuberculosis and a love of gin in 1783, he was a successful circus freak in London. Although it was long suspected that he had a tumor in his pituitary as a cause of his height, recently the actual mutation that he had was isolated by scientists in London. Join me and NYU endocrinologist Dr. Stuart Weiss as we talk about how a 250 year old dead giant might affect cancer treatments for you and your family!

I don't know how many times I hear "I checked this out on the internet..." as I speak to patients about their medical issues. I must admit that I have not heard "I twittered my symptoms and now have some questions for you!." But social media and medicine is they tell me. Join me and Mr. Phil Bauman, an RN, who runs "Health is," a website about the intersection of social media and medicine.

Join in by calling us (old media) at 1-877-NYU-DOCS or tweeting me (@doctorira) during the show...we'll see how that works!

We have a program switch. Ask Doctor Ira will be at the top of the hour, 9 AM Eastern. Ask me about your medical problems at 1-877-NYU-DOCS or tweet me at @doctorira (yeah, we'll see if that works). We will also talk about new potential treatments in IBS.

Yes, its after New Years...resolutions to stop smoking, drink less, and of course, get into shape, abound. Can you do it? Well, my next guest thinks you can. Timothy Ferriss, the author of the new book: "THE 4-HOUR BODY: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman." Hear what he has to say, and ask him questions about his plan at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

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