Surrounded by cell phones, laptops, desktops, TVs and all kinds of electronic stuff? Who isn't? Did you ever wonder if all of the electromagnetic radiation was harmful? I certainly have. Its a controversial topic, and the answers are not at all clear. Joining me to talk about this are Ronald B. Herberman, M.D, who testified before Congress on tumors and cell phone use. Also joining me is Ann Louise Gittleman, the author of "Zapped," which talks about ways to avoid electronic pollution in your life.
If you've ever wondered about all that electronic "stuff" being emitted and whether it can harm you, and have questions on how to avoid it, give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!
I was going to start my next topic by making a joke about it being "snippy." And then I realized I was a physician at a major medical center in the United States. And then I couldn't help myself. Sorry. Dr. Emily Taylor of NYU Langone Medical Center will be joining me to talk about the potential benefits of circumcision. I can't promise you that you'll be calling your urologist anytime soon, but this is an important and controversial topic, and anyone thinking about children or hoping for a grandchild will want to hear what Dr. Taylor has to say!
Questions about circumcision? Give us call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS.
I had my first MRI this year. Besides signing for insurance and all kinds of financial stuff, I clearly remember being asked, repeatedly, about whether I had a pacemaker or other implantable device in me. And although I always envision that scene from "Alien" when the alien pops out that guys body when thinking about what would happen if you had a pacemaker and had an MRI, in truth I have no idea what would happen. Join me and Dr. J. Rod Gimbel, a cardiologist and expert on pacemakers and MRI safety, to talk about this important issue.
If you've ever wondered if its safe to get an MRI, and what can help in the future, give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!
Of course, we will end the show with Ask Doctor Ira, where you can ask me any questions on any medical topic at all, and I will be happy to answer. Give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!
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