Sunday, February 12, 2012

Monday, February 13th on The Doctor Ira Breite Show on SiriusXM 81: Doctor Radio!

Believe it or not (and I'm not sure I do), this week is my FOURTH ANNIVERSARY on Doctor Radio! I would like thank Sirius XM for giving me the opportunity to have a show and all of my listeners for helping to make this happen. We have a great show planned for you tomorrow!

We've talked about the dangers of nail salons with former ACG President Dr. David Johnson before. But it turns out that the hepatitis B risk we spoke about is just the tip of the iceberg! Find out about other risks. Learn the dangers of home piercing and tattoos (yeah, for your kids. Whatever). And find out if those lawyers on late night TV claiming there are problems with drugs such as Prilosec have a point.

Call us with your questions at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

I will be continuing our gastroenterology conversation in the next segment with Gastroenterology Update. Call me at 1-877-NYU-DOCS with your questions about your liver, pancreas, that heartburn or constipation. And remember, Colon Cancer Prevention Month is coming!

Kim Deore, MD will be joining me from Germany to start our second hour. As you know, Kim was one of the other five original hosts on Doctor Radio (along will me, Billy Goldberg, "About our Kids," and Roshini Rajapaska). Find out whats going on with her as we talk about the early days of Doctor Radio, some medical stuff, and so much more!

We will end the show with "Ask Doctor Ira," where you can call me with any medical question at all: it does not matter what it is...anything you forgot to ask your doctor ask me! Give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS

You can also tweet me questions to @DoctorIra!

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