I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Now that the weekend has passed, football has ended (and yes, Texas was robbed), and the work week begins again. A great time to listen to Doctor Radio in the car! From 8 to 10 EST tomorrow, we have a great live show planned. In addition to "Ask Dr. Ira," our segment where you can ask me any medical question that you want...call me at 1-877-NYU-DOCS. In addition to that, we have 3 great guests planned talking about three topics that are extremely important to you and your family.
In the first half hour, we will be talking with rheumatologist and Doctor Radio regular Dr. Burt Agus about fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. We'll be going over what they are, how you get it and what you can do about the symptoms of these two disease. And of course, try to answer the big question...are they related to each other.
If you or a loved one has chronic fatigue or unexplained joint pains give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!
After this, we'll talk to Dr. Barry Reisberg, Clinical Director of the William and Sylvia Silberstein Institute for Aging and Dementia, Aging and Dementia Research Center at the NYU School of Medicine & NYU Langone Medical Center about new directions in Alzheimer's Disease. The holidays are a big time to see family, and, unfortunately, sometimes we see an older family member start to decline.
If you have a question about what to do about an aging family member who seems to have problems with memory, give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!
I don't like thinking about work during the holidays. But work continues, and so do workplace injuries. Learn how to avoid workplace injuries, including carpal tunnel, eye strain, and back injuries by listening to my interview with Ms. Sandy Smith, the editor of "EHS Today," which was formally called Occupational Hazards Magazine!
If you are worried about your workplace, and have questions for Ms Smith or myself, call us at 1-877-NYU-DOCS! (9 AM)
I've battled Chronic fatigue for about 24 yrs .was a geriatric case manager and at first I became bedridden letting the disease control me. Got up husband left me because i was sick. I got up and day by day pushed through the pain until started getting stronger. The key for me is to push thru. But with my fibromyalgia it is very hard to push through. I take neurontin and that helps. Chronic fatigue is at bay. But I try to work out and always get post exceptional pain.
By the way I have been on social security for 17 yrs. For the fibromyalgia. And where I live the docs mostly don't believe in either disease. My insurance company theory Medicare refuse to send me to a rheumatologist. Saying I don't meet the criteria to get my fibromyalgia. It seems like discrimination to me.
The Docs. Here in Vegas Have trouble accepting fibromyalgia as a painful disease. I got refused pain management and for the last 4or5 yrs I have been taking ibuprofen. I was told over and over to keep taking. I now have Addison disease and my kidneys and adrenals are taxed out. Nothing to take for pain except Tylenol. Which don't work. I wish u would talk about the disability discrimination about these diseases. After all we all look healthy!we need an alternative to lyrica! If u can somehow help me I would be forever greatly.also, I forgot to talk about the overwhelming fatigue still lingers.
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