Sunday, December 13, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009 on the Doctor Ira Breite Show on Sirius 114 and XM 119: Doctor Radio!

Happy Holidays! We have another great show planned for this Monday! I spent Friday talking about digestion on my local public radio station WNYC (The Leonard Lopate Show), and am now ready to resume my duties as host on Doctor Radio!

We have leading physicians from throughout the country coming on the line this Monday to talk about a variety of exciting medical advances. Dr. Hakon Hakonarson from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia will be joining me at the top of the show to talk about an exciting new discovery in the genetics of inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis) discovered by him and his colleagues at the Center for Applied Genomics. You’ll want to hear how his research may affect the clinical treatments of these diseases in children and adults.

Call us with any questions you may have on genetics inflammatory bowel disease in children or adults at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

We had such a positive response from the listeners on our segment last week on Parkinson’s disease that we decided to have another! Dr. Walter Rocca, neurologist and epidemiologist from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, who is the lead author of a study looking at constipation as a precursor to Parkinson’s disease, will be joining us to talk about the study and Parkinson’s disease.

If you have questions about the diagnosis or treatment of Parksinson’s disease, give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Holidays often mean a little excess on the eating, which can lead to, well, hemorrhoids! Few things so small can cause so much human misery! Dr. James Church of the Cleveland Clinic will talk to us about this little patch of heck and what you can do to help prevent a problem.

Call us with you hemorrhoid questions at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

We will of course end the show with Ask Dr. Ira, where you can have any question on any medical topic at all answered! Our number, as always, is 1-877-NYU-DOCS.

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