We've had a busy week at Westside Medical Associates, thanks to the "cough that never ends." This hacking misery appears to have infected a significant portion of Manhattan. Despite this, people in New York keep exercising and buying stuff for the holiday seasons. And reading about weird but cool developments in medicine. Which brings us to our show on Monday....
First exercise. I have been seeing lots of people in the office with runner's feet, the beat up, callous filled, cracked and fungus laden feet of many people who have run the NYC Marathon recently. This, despite all the high technology training and gear that people currently use. Amby Burfoot, the winner of the 1968 Boston Marathon as we talk about the new trend to have athlete's exercise the "ancient way." Although running barefoot in New York City may not be safe, find out about the new footwear and old techniques that runner's are using to to "back to the future."
Then, buying stuff. Oh, and aresenic based life forms. And bedbugs. Dr. Phillip Tierno knows it all, and will be discussing it with me on Doctor Radio. We will be talking about the bedbug epidemic, which has hit some major retail outlets. We will also be talking about the discovery of arsenic liking bacteria that can live without phosphorus (which sounds kind of dull, unless you learned in college and medical school how this was totally impossible) by a group of scientists at NASA. We'll also be talking about a new study that shows that excessive handwashing with antibacterial soap may not be a great thing to do...which will lead us into our third segment.
Call us with any of your holiday bug issues at 1-877-NYU-DOCS.
I've been treating ulcerative colitis for years. I have used steroids, anti-inflammatories, anti-tumor necrosis factor and even antibiotics. But I have never used parasitic worms. And that may have been a mistake! Join me as I interview Jasper Lawrence, who suffered from allergies until he treated himself with worm eggs! I will also be joined by two experts: Dr. Joel Weinstock, the Chief of Gastroenterology at Tufts New England Medical Center, and Dr. P'ng Loke, a Parisitologist here at NYU Medical Center.
If you have ever wondered about how the alternative becomes the normal, you are not going to want to miss this segment! Call us with you colitis and parasite questions at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!
For everyone not tyring to infect themselves we will hae another holiday edition of Ask Dr. Ira, where you can ask me any questions on any medical topic at all and I will be happy to answer...give me a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!
1 comment:
This may be cavilling, but strictly speaking I infected myself with hookworm larvae, not eggs. They enter through the skin, and to my relief are invisible to the naked eye.
Whipworm infection is accomplished by ingesting ova containing embryonated larvae.
Strictly speaking I think it should also be infest, not infect, as they are attached to the surface tissues lining the intestines. As in a scabies or head lice infestation, vs. a bacterial infection.
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