Sunday, October 9, 2011

Monday, October 10th, 2011 on the Doctor Ira Breite Show on Sirius XM 81: Doctor Radio!

Happy Columbus Day! A holiday for many, but not here at Doctor Radio...there is too much to talk about! Starting with a medical mystery: what killed Christopher Columbus? Join me and Dr. Philip.Mackowiak, the author of "POST MORTEM: Solving History’s Great Medical Mysteries" as we try to figure out how Columbus died.

While Columbus may not have had gastrointestinal disease per se, it is possible that one of the maladies he did suffer from is related to Ulcerative Colitis. If you have any gastrointestinal questions, give us a buzz on GI update: call me at 1-877-NYU DOCS. We also will go over (time permitting)
  • Barrett's esophagus and "low grade" dysplasia
  • More biopsies may (or may not) be necessary to diagnose celiac disease
  • Eosinophillic Esophagitis incidence (#EOE) does not seem to be related to race or gender
Speaking of gastroenterology and celiac disease...Craig Pinto, celiac patient and field goal kicker extraordinaire will be joining us to talk about his attempt (TODAY...go to @celiackicker to find out and donate) to kick the most field goals in a 24 hour period!

We will end the show with Ask Doctor Ira, where you can ask me any question on any medical topic at all...anything you forgot to ask your doctor ask me...give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Follow me on twitter at @doctorira


Anonymous said...

Excellent show, Ira! I am a big fan.

Unknown said...

When you find yourself dreading dry or dense foods because you have difficulty swallowing them, take note! You might have eosinophilic esophagitis. This means your esophagus narrows so much that food gets stuck, resulting in impaction – which is a medical emergency. Have yourself checked for it – don’t just assume that you have food allergies or just need to chew your food more thoroughly!
click here for more details