Sunday, December 7, 2014

Monday, December 8th on the Doctor Ira Breite Internal Medicine Show on SiriusXM 81: Doctor Radio

More GERD and more technology. That pretty much sums up our first hour on Monday.  Now that the President has GERD, find out about the latest potential ways to treat this problem.  Join me and Dr. Mark Noar, the Director Of Endoscopic Microsurgery Associates in Towson, Maryland, as we talk about the President, reflux, medications and their dangers, and the Stretta procedure as a possible treatment for chronic GERD.

Call us with your reflux questions at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

After this, Corey Powell, an editor at large at Discover Magazine will be talking to us about the biggest medical stories of the year: whether its Ebola, medical marijuana or contact lenses that help manage your diabetes, we will be talking about it!

We then have an hour in the office.  A combined Gastroenterology Update and Ask Doctor Ira...just like my real office...give me a call or a tweet at 1-877-NYU-DOCS.

1 comment:

3 Peanuts said...

I love your show and listening to it each week as I drive to my exercise class. Need a probiotic and each week you recommend two and I can never write them down as I am driving. Please let me know what they are.

You and Dr. Billy (the ER guy) are the BEST hosts on Dr. Radio!!!!