A short, post holiday posting tonight. Speaking of holidays, for those of us who celebrate Passover, there is an abundance of Matzo in the diet. Matzo, also known as one of the greatest causes of constipation in the Western World. Join me and gastroenterologist Dr. Wes Jones as we talk about this delicate subject. Dr. Jones is the author of "Cure Constipation Now!"
After this, we will expand the digestive discussion to anything in the digestive tract...constipation, diarrhea, reflux or even the liver. Its Gastoenterology Update! Call us with your questions at 1-877-NYU-DOCS.
Celiac Disease is awful. Although treatable with diet, it would be great if there were better options. Join me, Dr. Patrick Griffin and Ms. Leslie Williams from ImmusanT, a company that is investigating a vaccine for celiac disease!
Call with your celiac questions at 1-877-NYU-DOCS
We will end the show, as always, with Ask Doctor Ira, where you can ask me any medical question at all and I will be happy to answer! Anything you forgot to ask your doctor, ask me! Give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS
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