Sunday, April 14, 2013

Monday, April 15th on the Doctor Ira Breite Show on SiriusXM 81: Doctor Radio!

April 15th.  Tax day.  But, also the day after my birthday!  Between my roller derby birthday party, taxes, preparing for this show and maybe a wee bit too much to eat I have a bit of heartburn this morning.  Although I'll probably just take a histamine blocker and call it a day, may people suffer from more than occasional stress/overindulgence reflux.  And not everyone wants to take pills.  Joining me and talk about some of the non-medication options for reflux!

Reflux:  wondering about non-medication treatments?  Give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

After this it will my birthday edition of Gastroenterology Update.  Give us a call with you digestive disease problems: not just reflux but any digestive issue you may have: constipation, IBS and even the gallbladder or liver. 1-877-NYU-DOCS or tweet me!

What would a birthday be without a bit of overindulgence?  Join me, registered dietician and author Keri Gans and Heather Lauer, the author of "Bacon A Love Story - A Salty Survey of Everybody's Favorite Meat" and the blog "Bacon Unwrapped," will join us.  Did you know there was a bacon diet?  I can't even begin with this segment...just listen.

We will end the show with Ask Doctor Ira, where you can ask me medical questions on any topic at all: anything you forgot to ask your doctor ask me!  Give us call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS

follow me on Twitter.
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