Sunday, December 27, 2009

Happy Holidays!

We'll be having an encore presentation on the Dr. Ira Breite show tomorrow on Sirius 114 and XM 119 as I enjoy the holidays with my family. I will be in the office Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday. We'll be on the air LIVE January 4th! Stay tuned.

Many listeners and patients have asked if we could have some more medical information on this site as well. My New Years resolution is to have some original material as well as links to important medical events as they come out. Stay tuned!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Monday, December 21st on the Doctor Ira Breite Show on Sirius 114 and XM 119: Doctor Radio!

As I write this, its snowing here in New York. A lot. I just put away my bike for the winter and am writing this at Chelsea Piers, where I am just about to watch my kids play hockey. They're psyched as school is out already. I'm thinking about the holidays, but I'm also thinking about some of the medical issues that come out during the snowy wintery months.

Osteoporosis is a huge medical problem in men and women. Osteopenia is even more common. The decision of whom to treat and how is extremely confusing to patients, primary care doctors, and even the experts. Joining me to discuss this issue is Dr. Stephen Honig, the Director of The Osteoporosis Center at the Hospital For Joint Disease /NYU-Langone Medical Center. He'll answer my questions about what to do about your bone health, and of course, he'll answer your questions, too!

If you have a question about whether you need to be on calcium, vitamin D, or even medication for osteopenia or osteoporosis, give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

As many of you know, I've been on my "non-diet" for about three months now. The holidays are killing me! But for people with celiac disease, this cookie laden time is especially difficult. Joining me to talk about Celiac disease, including a new study showing that its incidence may have increased significantly, is Laurie Higgins of the Joslin Diabetes Center.

If you have any questions at all about celiac disease, give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

I live in NYC, and therefore haven't shoveled snow since I was a kid. But that's not true for most of our listeners. And, as someone who takes care of a lot of Superintendents and doormen, I have seen plenty of back injuries as a result of the snow. Joining me to talk about back pain and back surgery is neurosurgeon Dr. Jack Stern.

Of course, we'll end the show with Ask Dr. Ira. Call me with any questions at all that you have on any medical topic at all at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009 on the Doctor Ira Breite Show on Sirius 114 and XM 119: Doctor Radio!

Happy Holidays! We have another great show planned for this Monday! I spent Friday talking about digestion on my local public radio station WNYC (The Leonard Lopate Show), and am now ready to resume my duties as host on Doctor Radio!

We have leading physicians from throughout the country coming on the line this Monday to talk about a variety of exciting medical advances. Dr. Hakon Hakonarson from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia will be joining me at the top of the show to talk about an exciting new discovery in the genetics of inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis) discovered by him and his colleagues at the Center for Applied Genomics. You’ll want to hear how his research may affect the clinical treatments of these diseases in children and adults.

Call us with any questions you may have on genetics inflammatory bowel disease in children or adults at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

We had such a positive response from the listeners on our segment last week on Parkinson’s disease that we decided to have another! Dr. Walter Rocca, neurologist and epidemiologist from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, who is the lead author of a study looking at constipation as a precursor to Parkinson’s disease, will be joining us to talk about the study and Parkinson’s disease.

If you have questions about the diagnosis or treatment of Parksinson’s disease, give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Holidays often mean a little excess on the eating, which can lead to, well, hemorrhoids! Few things so small can cause so much human misery! Dr. James Church of the Cleveland Clinic will talk to us about this little patch of heck and what you can do to help prevent a problem.

Call us with you hemorrhoid questions at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

We will of course end the show with Ask Dr. Ira, where you can have any question on any medical topic at all answered! Our number, as always, is 1-877-NYU-DOCS.

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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Monday, December 7th on The Doctor Ira Breite Show on Sirius 114 and XM 119: Doctor Radio!

We have a great show planned for Monday! My kids are hockey players, and sometimes I wonder about what is left on that (more than a little odor filled) equipment that they drag around. There have been lots of cases of infections occurring from exposure to all kinds of sports equipment, but the problem runs much deeper than that. Community acquired MRSA has become a huge issue. Join me and Dr. Brad Spellberg, UCLA physician and the author of "Rising Plague: The Global Threat from Deadly Bacteria and our Dwindling Arsenal to Help Fight Them" as we talk about the growing danger of infections in and out of the hospital.

If you are worried about resistant bacteria infecting you or a loved one at home or in a hospital, give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Constipation. A large chunk of my professional life is devoted to helping this common problem. So it really got my attention when a recent study noted a relationship between constipation and Parkinson's Disease. Joining me to talk about Parkinson's disease, including its diagnosis and treatment is Dr. Alessandro DiRocco, the Chief of Movement Disorders and Director of the NYU Parkison and Movement Disorders Center here at NYU Langone.

If you are worried about the diagnosis or treatment of Parkinson's disease in you or a loved one give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS

It can't be December on Doctor Radio without a little healthy worry about holiday food! Dr. Paul Ehrlich, allergist and the author of "What Your Doctor May Not tell You About Children's Allergies and Asthma: Simple Steps to Help Stop Attacks and Improve Your Child's Health" will be joining us to talk about keeping it safe from food allergies at the holiday table.

If you have a question about food allergies (it doesn't have to be holiday related!) give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

We will have a special holiday edition of Ask Dr. Ira, where I will tell you interesting stories from my own office and answer your questions on any medical topic at all.

Call us with ANY medical question at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Monday, November 30th on the Doctor Ira Breite Show: Sirius 114 and XM 119: Doctor Radio

Hello: I am writing this on my way back from London, where we had a great time. Missing Thanksgiving in the US was a bit weird, but we did have a large Thanksgiving dinner in the UK, complete with cranberries!

One thing I noticed about the UK seems to be an overwhelming variety of food containing fried, crusty dough. Which got me thinking about cholesterol, which led us to book our first guest, Dr. James Underberg, a clinical assistant professor at the NYU School of Medicine and a specialist in preventative cardiology. He is also the director of the Bellevue Hospital Lipid Clinic. We will be talking about a variety of cholesterol topics, including recent stories you may have heard in the news about Zetia.

If you have any questions at all about your cholesterol medications, give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Continuing on our travel theme, I am somewhere over the Atlantic as I write this. I never fully adjusted to British time, but still feel exhausted. And no, I didn’t take an Ambien. Sleep Expert Dr. Joyce Walsleben will join me to talk about jet lag, sleep deprivation, and other holiday joy.

If you have any questions about jet lag, insomnia, or tips to help through them, give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS

One way not to overindulge on Thanksgiving is to spend it in a foreign country!! But for most of us, this is not an option. And realistically, I am now home for the rest of holidays as well. Keri Gans, registered dietician and spokeperson for the ADA will be joining me to talk about several import eating tips for the holidays, including storing and eating left overs safely and some smart substitution tips. And don’t worry that she’s a dietician: if I don’t think it will work in the cooking I’ll let her know!

Healthy holiday recipes or tips: let us know!!! at 1-877-NYU-DOCS

Of course, we’ll end the show with Ask Dr. Ira, where I will answer your calls on any medical topic at all: just give me a buzz at 1-877-NYU-DOCS.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Monday, November 23rd on the Doctor Ira Breite Show, Sirius 114 and XM 119: Doctor Radio!

Happy Thanksgiving. Like many of you, I will be heading (very) far from my home for the holidays, which got me thinking about some of the things that can affect you when you travel.

The eyes! I started thinking out how important it was to see all of those other cars moving really slowly on the Interstate with you as you attempted to get where you were going. Then I started thinking about how Thanksgiving was when we all saw family, which pretty much means that every single thing wrong with any of you gets pointed out by that great aunt who just, well, does that. So Dr. Emily Ceisler, a pediatric ophthalmologist here in NYC will be here to talk about Strabismus (lazy eye) and other assorted pediatric muscle eye disorders. We will also be talking about common pediatric eye problems such as trauma (which always seems to happen on the holidays!)

If you've ever wondered about patches, glasses or surgery for kids with lazy eyes, give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS.

Although the weather has been quite warm here in NYC, its starting to snow in the Northwest and Thanksgiving often announces the beginning of winter. And carrying all of those suitcases can't do wonders for your body. Anesthesiologist and Pain Management Specialist Dr. David Kloth of Connecticut Pain Care in Danbury will be joining us to speak about how to keep that snow shovel from causing you a problem and what to do if its already too late!

If you are having chronic back pain problems and can't control it easily give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Our second hour begins with Keri Gans, registered dietitian and spokesperson for the ADA, coming in to talk about comfort foods and what you can do to be comfortable and healthy this Thanksgiving.

Call us with your questions or answers about Healthy Thanksgiving eating at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

We will end the show, as usual, with ask Dr. Ira, where I can answer all of your questions about any medical problems: as an internist its my job to know a little about everything an point you in the right direction. Also, H1N1 update!

Give me a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Monday, November 16th, 2009 on the Doctor Ira Breite Show: Sirius 114 and XM119: Doctor Radio

We have a digestive day planned for Monday! Starting with our first half our, when endocrinologist and diabetologist Stuart Weiss, MD joins me to discuss some of the latest findings in diabetes (where of course, you can't digest what you want too) and H1N1. We will also go over some other interesting headlines and talk about prediabetes.

Worried about you borderline sugar, or that of a loved ones? Call us at 1-877-NYU-DOCS

As a gastroenterologist, I am a medical expert of the digestive tract. But, sometimes, the only way to heal is with cold steel. Or so the surgeons say. Join me and colorectal surgeon Dr. Brian Harlin as we discuss bowel surgery in everything from Crohn's disease to hemorrhoids.

If you've been told you need surgery on you intestines...and have questions...give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

One of the biggest problems many people have is keeping the weight off. If you can do it, you can often avoid physicians like Stu Weiss. But if you can't, maybe surgery is a reasonable option. Join me and Dr. Marina Kurian, bariatric surgeon and the author of "Weight Loss Surgery For Dummies" as we talk about all of your surgical options if the diet fails.

If you've thought about bariatric surgery for yourself or a loved one, this is a great time to ask a question: give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS.

As usual, we'll have a full segment of Ask Dr. Ira, where you can ask me any question on any medical topic at all! We'll also have our weekly H1N1 update and I'll tell you how I'm doing a week after getting my flu mist from Doctor Radio Medical Director Marc Siegel, MD!

Call me with any medical question you have: 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Monday, November 9th on the Doctor Ira Breite Show on Doctor Radio: Sirius 114 and XM 119

We have a great show in store for everyone tomorrow.

Insomnia is one of the most common problems that we encounter in the office. Complaint's about snoring (either your own or your significant others) is right up there as well. There are a ton of medications out there for sleeping, ranging from over the counter products to highly controlled substances....what do they do, and what should you? Join Dr. Joyce Walsleben, a Board Certified Medicine Specialist and a member of Sleep Medicine Associates of NYC and the co-author of the book, "A Woman's Guide to Sleep," as she tells us about this very common problem.

Can't Sleep? Have Questions? Call us at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Its the beginning of disease season in the office. After the quiet of the summer, and the check ups of September and October, November brings with it the beginning of "sick" season in the office. One of the more common complaints is an eye infection. The question is, what do you do about pink eye? Join me and ophthalmologist Dr. Robert Cykiert as we talk about pink eye in both children and adults!

If you have ever wondered about your scratchy, red eyes, give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Part of being a good physician is trying to learn as much as possible about what's going on out there, even if it is not always "traditional" medicine. Dr. David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD, the author of "Anti-Cancer: A New Way of Life," a book he wrote based on his own experiences with a malignant brain tumor at the age of 31. After the cancer recurred, he used his medical training to explore how to best prevent cancer.

If you have ever wondered about alternative treatments for you or a loved one, this would be a great time to call us at 1-877-NYU-DOCS.

Of course, we will end the show with "Ask Doctor Ira," where you can ask me any medical question on any topic at all. Plus, supplies willing, I will be getting my H1N1 immunization on the air as a testament to its importance!!!

Call me with any medical question at all at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Monday, November 2nd, on the Doctor Ira Breite Show on Doctor Radio: Sirius 114 and XM 119

We are trying a new segment on tomorrow's show: Doctor Ira's Got The Answers. There are so many excellent calls during "Ask Doctor Ira" that it is often difficult to get to some of the many emails that we receive. And although I do the show "live," many people listen to the show either on the taped replay at night or on Sundays. So for our listeners who may not have the ability to call immediately, we have developed this segment for you. I will review and go over listener emails.

Remember, if you can't call us at 1-877-NYU-DOCS, you can always send your questions to . Please make sure my name "IRA," appears somewhere in the subject line. Hopefully, we be able to introduce "Doctor Ira's Got the Answers" as a regular segment on the show!

It may be my diet, but I have been certainly thinking about the upcoming holiday season, with all of its wonderful eating opportunities (how I avoided Halloween is a testament to willpower and the World Series distracting me), and its affect on the fats in your body. Now while we all think about cholesterol, research is showing that TRIGLYCERIDES may be more important that previously thought in the development of heart disease! Cardiologist Dr. Dennis Goodman will join us in studio to talk about this and all of your other cholesterol/triglyceride questions.

If you have a question about what your triglyceride numbers mean, give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

I noticed a bit of good news for older guys who like a drink now and then: moderate drinking may increase mobility in older people! Surprised? I was. Join me and study author Dr. Stephen Kritchevsky, Ph.D, the Director of the Stricht Center at Wake Forest University to talk about this and other research he has conducted in the field of aging and Geriatrics.

If you have a medical or lifestyle question about an aging relative give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Just because we're doing email, doesn't mean that we've forgotten the callers. There will be a swine flu update (plug for me: I have been on MSNBC twice in the last week talking about this) as well answering all of your questions at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Monday, October 26th on the Doctor Ira Breite Show on Doctor Radio: Sirius 114 and XM 119

Although I am writing this on a springlike fall day, this past week the weather here has shown its teeth. And with that, comes allergies, cold and sinus infections. One of the common problems you have as a doctor is telling one from the other, especially as the treatments can be so different. Dr. Bernard Feigenbaum, MD an allergist at the NYU-Langone Medical Center, will be in the studio and we will be talking about respiratory "stuff" - Is it a cold...allergies... something else?

If you have been worried about the stuff coming out of your nose: call us! The number, as always, is a 1877-NYU-DOCS!

We have had some very sick people in the office recently with a variety of autoimmune conditions. One problem we commonly see in these folks in osteoporosis: and now a new study in the New England Journal of Medicine may explain why this is true. Bert Agus, MD, rheumatologist for Doctor Radio (and an associate professor at NYU), will be on to discuss this and other interesting autoimmune facts.

If you or a loved one are worried about celiac disease, osteoporosis, or such problems as rheumatoid arthritis, give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Halloween is coming up! Then Thanksgiving. Then Christmas! Then New Years! And then several months of cold, cold winter. Are you going to be ready? Registered Dietician Keri Gans will be in the studio to talk about Smart Choices and High Protein Diets. There is also a lot of other nutrition news out there: you are going to want to hear this!

If you have a question about your diet or nutrition, give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

I am looking especially forward to Ask Doctor Ira. We have a flu update (short answer: its here!), and eagerly want to answer your questions on any medical topic at all at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Monday, October 19th on The Doctor Ira Breite Show on Sirius 114 and XM 119: Doctor Radio!

I am going to begin this posting by telling everyone an office secret: every one asks about poo. And many people ask about their pee. Bodily waste can be an embarrassing topic, and other than when you have a toddler or are in a fraternity in college, most people would just not like to talk about them.

Having said that, just like the New York City Sanitation Department is vital to the running of my City, the successful removal of waste by the human body is essential to life, and problems with excretion, even if not life threatening, are extremely unpleasant to live with. I am extrememly happy that Dr. Anish Sheth, Yale Gastroenterologist the author of "What's Your Poo Telling You?" will be joining us for a full hour(!) to talk about this as well as his latest book "What's My Pee Telling Me?" which he wrote with Josh Richman. Although I have plenty of questions of my own, this is a great time to call and ask any question you may have about bodily waste?

If you've ever wanted to know about the smells, sounds and contents of your bodily wastes and were embarrassed to ask (and I am a little embarrassed to be writing this, so I get that!), now is a great time to don't have to give your real name! Give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS !

I recently switched to contact lenses after wearing glasses exclusively for over thirty years. All this has led to a few ophthalmologist trips, some cursing in the bathroom, and several trips to the store to finally buy "cool" sunglasses. But the doctor trips started me thinking a little more about eyes in general, and how excited I was that the contacts seemed to be doing a better job than my regular glasses at correcting them. A recent study may show that uncorrectable problems with eyesight may lead to earlier death for a variety of reasons. Joining me to talk about this study, as well as to discuss some of the common diseases that can affect eyesight, is Dr. Shantan Reddy of NYU's Ophthalmology Department.

If you are worried about your vision, give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Of course, we will have a segment of Ask Dr. Ira, where you can ask me any questions you want on any medical topic at all. I will have a Flu Update as well.

Give me a call with all of your medical questions at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Monday, October 12th, 2009 on the Doctor Ira Breite Show on Sirius 114 and XM 119

Happy Columbus Day. We have a great live show planned for 8AM EDT on Sirius 114/XM 119 Doctor Radio!

I have been a diet (reasonably successfully I might add) for almost four weeks now. One thing I noticed when I started my diet was that many restaurants have calories posted on their menus. Although I knew that before, I have to admit I never really noticed the numbers. It turns out I am not alone. A recent study showed that people did not look look at calorie numbers when making food choices. One of the study authors, Dr. Brian Elbel, will be joining me and Doctor Ira Show resident registered dietician (and ADA spokeswoman) Keri Gans to talk about the study.

If you have questions about dieting and want to know where calorie counts come in, call us at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Ask Dr. Ira, where you can ask me any question you want and hear stories about my own office, will be at a special time this week: 8:30 AM EDT. Call me with your questions on any medical topic at all and hear stories from my own office...including a Flu Update!

Call me with any questions at all from 8:30 AM to 9:00 AM EDT!!! at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Celiac Disease. We talk about it all the time on the show. And we have had some of the world's experts on the line. There is a new study out talking about Celiac Disease and its effect on Mortality. The results of the study may surprise you, so you'll have to listen. Joining me to talk about this is Dr. Peter Green, an expert on Celiac Disease at Columbia University and the author of an editorial that accompanies the study.

If you are worried about Celiac Disease, its diagnosis or treatment, give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS.

One of the scarier things about heart disease is that, often enough, the first symptom you experience is literally dying from it. October is National Cardiac Arrest Awareness Month and I am happy that Dr. Richard Page, the President of the Heart Rhythm Society, will be joining us on the line to tell us all about this fatal problem and some of the things that YOU can do to prevent it! If you or a loved one has a personal or family history of heart disease, you are going to want to hear this segment!

Call us with your questions about rhythm problems in the heart at 1-8770NYU-DOCS!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Monday, October 5th on the Doctor Ira Breite Show, Sirius 114 and XM 119: Doctor Radio!

I am sitting here writing this at the hockey rink. As I sit here looking at the parents and kids week after week, it makes me realize how important one of our guests is today. In our second hour, I will be joined by Patricia DiBartolo, PhD, who is an associate professor of psychology at Smith College and we will be talking about perfectionism. If you think its ok to strive for perfection you will be surprised at what Dr. DiBartolo has to say. Find out how trying to be "to good" may be hurting you or your child.

If you have any questions at all about competition, perfection or "type-A" in you or your child, give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Our first hour promises to be extremely exciting as well. As I look at the snack bar here at the rink, with its wide variety of peanuts, peanut oil fried products and sushi (just kidding!) it reminds me of the importance of food allergies. Joining me to talk about this important issue is allergist Dr. Paul Ehrlich, the author of "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children's Allergy and Asthma" will be live with us answering all of you questions about food allergies!

If you are worried about food allergies in you or a loved one call us at 1-877-NYU-DOCS

Flu Season: thanks to swine flu it is here already. and with regular flu season (as well as cold season, pneumonia season, etc.) coming in fast with the winter months, its time for diabetics to start thinking about their special needs if they get sick. Joining me on the line will be dietician Amanda Kirpitch of the Joslin Diabetes Center . If you are or love a diabetic, you are going to want to hear this!

Of course, we will have a full half hour of Ask Dr. Ira, where you can ask me any question on any medical topic at all! Give me a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Tomorrow, September 28th on The Doctor Ira Breite Show on Sirius 114 and XM 119

Do you constantly run to the bathroom after every meal? Has your doctor told you it’s NOT inflammatory bowel disease? Tuesday at 8am, join me when I get to the bottom of what it means, to be diagnosed with Celiac Disease.

Plus, how high are your triglycerides—and what does that REALLY mean? And, if heart disease runs in your family, you can be “heart smart” by taking pro-active steps to keep your heart healthy through diet, exercise… and vitamin supplements. Find out which ones some doctors are recommending… and why!”

On this "best of" show, hear some great questions that I received on ask Doctor Ira on a whole variety of interesting medical topics!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009 on the Doctor Ira Breite Show on Sirius 114 and XM 119: Doctor Radio!

Monday morning. New work week. No more weekend. Kids whining about school. But there is a bright side, and that is the excellent show that we have planned for this Monday!

Celiac Disease. We talk about it all the time on the show. And we have had some of the world's experts on the line. There is a new study out talking about Celiac Disease and its effect on Mortality. The results of the study may surprise you, so you'll have to listen. Joining me to talk about this is Dr. Peter Green, an expert on Celiac Disease and the author of an editorial that accompanies the study.

If you are worried about Celiac Disease, its diagnosis or treatment, give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS.

Can exercise make you smarter? I hope, as I've been trying to do more of it recently. Joining the show to discuss this is Dr. Charles Hillman, from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. At the end of this segment you may be asking your doctor if they exercise before allowing them to treat you!

Germs!!!! I have a healthy respect for them, but is the rest of the media going a little nuts on the subject. Phillip Tierno, PhD, the Director of Clinical Microbiology here at NYU and the author of "The Secret Life of Germs" will weigh in on this topic.

Wondering whether an air filter will protect your family. Feel you need to shower after taking a shower? Give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Of course, we will have a full segment of Ask Dr. Ira, where you can ask me any question on any medical topic at all and I will be glad to answer you. Call me at 1-877-NYU-DOCS.

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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Monday, September 14th on the Doctor Ira Breite Show: Sirius 114 and XM 119, Doctor Radio

Although having a Monday morning radio show guarantees that I'm up early every Monday, I have to admit to enjoying the 3 day holiday weekends even more. Labor Day was great! Summer is ending however, and its time to get serious, about school, work and health. Starting at 8AM EDT, we have a great show planned!

Listeners have had a tremendous interest in cholesterol and heart disease, and I would like to thank all of you for your calls to 1-877-NYU-DOCS and your emails to either or The topic is interesting, the information important and fortunately we have Dr. Dennis Goodman, Cardiologist, coming in at the top of the show to go over this incredibly important fact all of us.

Did you know that the "optimal" cholesterol number is different depending on what country you live in? How is that possible. Find out this, and have all of you cholesterol questions answered at 1-877-NYU-DOCS.

Osteoporosis? Bad! Osteopenia? Not as clear! Doctors and patients love numbers to describe their medical conditions, but how useful are the numbers in question? When you have a bone density test, what is really being measured? Join me, rheumatologist Bert Agus, MD and Nelson Watts MD, who is the Chair of the FDA Advisory Committee for Endocrine and Metabolic Drugs and a Professor at the University of Cincinnati to talk about what these numbers mean and what you and your physician should do about them!

If you have any questions about osteoporosis, osteopenia, calcium and vitamin D, or the large number of prescription medications used to treat osteoporosis, give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

One of the most dreaded diseases of older age is dementia: the thought of losing the essence of you is scarier than death itself for many people. NYU-Langone Medical Center is a leader in the field of dementia research, and I am thrilled to have Dr. Thomas Wisniewski, the Director of the Memory and Dementia Disorder Center at NYU in studio with us to to discuss some new research, including a study showing that infections may speed the memory loss is Alzheimer's Disease!

If you are worried about dementia in you or a loved one, this would be a great time to call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Of course, we will have a full segment of Ask Dr. Ira, where you can ask me any questions on any medical topic and I will be happy to answer.

If you have any questions for me on any medical topic at all, give me a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Monday, August 31st on the Doctor Ira Breite Show: Doctor Radio: Sirius 114 and XM 119.

September is around the corner. With the exception of Labor Day, its really back to work and back to school. We have an excellent show to get you back in the rhythm of things.

Speaking of rhythm, we are going to start out the show by interviewing Dr. Anthony Aizer, a Cardiologist and expert of heart rhythms here at the NYU Langone Medical Center. Many people come to my office complaining of palpitations or a skipped heart beats. Hear from the experts what to look for, and when you should seek the advice of a specialist!

If you have any questions about your heart give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

I don't know about you, but my summer workout routine has left me in some pain. Joining me to talk about pain, including a new study that shows that neck surgery for cervical spine disorders helps alleviate headaches is Dr. David Kloth of Connecticut Pain Care, the Dr. Ira Breite Show's resident pain expert!

If you have had neck or back pain and would like some ideas for relief, give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

The H1N1 Flu is coming back? Well, after seeing many cases in June and early July, I hadn't seen a case all summer: until last week! The kids are back, school is starting, and, well, what's going to happen. If the flu hits, should you pull them out of school? And what about work for you? Is that vaccine going to be ready? Is it going to be safe? So many questions! And to help me answer them are Dr. Philip Tierno, the director of Clinical Microbiology and Diagnostic Immunology here at the NYU Langone Medical Center and Dr. Norman Edelman, the Chief Medical Officer of the American Lung Association. The Lung Association also has a website called Faces of Influenza which has a lot of information.

And then its time for Ask Dr. Ira, where you can ask me any question you want on any medical topic at all! Give me a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Monday, August 17th, 2009 on the Ira Breite Show on Sirius 114 and XM 119: Doctor Radio!

I am back from vacation in beautiful Montana and Idaho and ready to go! As you drive to wherever you are going for work (or hopefully, vacation) we have a great show lined up to help you expand your medical knowledge in interesting, practical and useful ways.

As I was enjoying yet another giant steak in Montana (you can have them for breakfast) I started wondering about some of the things I could do naturally to help reduce my cholesterol after I returned. Joining me again to discuss both the medical aspects of cholesterol as well as some of the alternative products that may help lower it is Dr. Dennis Goodman, Cardiologist.

If you have questions about natural ways to prevent heart disease, give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Speaking of cholesterol, I had seen a young woman in the office with a high number. Interestingly, her thyroid was low as well. When I treated the thyroid, her cholesterol returned to normal! How strange is that. Joining me to talk about that commonly blamed and completely misunderstood organ at the base of your neck is Dr. Kenneth Burman, the Chief of Endocrinology at Washington Hospital in Washington, DC.

If you have ever wondered about your thyroid give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

In our second hour, Keith Siller, MD will be joining me to talk about some new research in Dementia. It seems that, like so many things in health, diet and exercise matter in preventing dementia. Find out all the details, and ask Dr. Siller any questions you want on stroke, Alzheimers, and the current treatments and preventitive strategies for these life alterning medical problems. Call us at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

We have a special Ask Dr. Ira tomorrow as well. In addition to open phones, Dr. Howard Hochster will be joining me to talk about some of the latest findings in colon cancer treatments and prevention. We will both be answering your calls on any medical topic at all. Give us a ring at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

You can follow this blog (and other things that I do) on Twitter. Join the Doctor Ira Tweets!

Image Source:

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Monday, August 3rd, 2009 on the Doctor Ira Breite Show on Doctor Radio: Sirius 114 and XM 119

August is here. Before I head out to a brief vacation in Montana (any tips: let me know!) we have a "can't miss" summer show planned!

First: thyroid medication controversy. Did you know there may have been slip-ups in a factory making generic thyroid medication....listen to me and Dr. Bert Agus discuss this and find out what happened and how it can affect you. Call us with your thyroid and medication questions at 1-877-NYU DOCS!

After Dr. Agus, our medication theme continues! Many medication can pull double duty: did you know that you can use a transplant anti-rejection drug for a common skin condition! Join me and Amin Emamifar, Pharm D. MBA, of Emory University in Atlanta to discuss "double-duty" drugs! How double duty? How about Botox for Migraines!

Call us with you medication questions at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Reflux is a common condition (I often joke that my children are going to college because of it!). New research from right here at NYU-Langone may change how we think about this incredibly common condition. Join me and NYU researcher Dr. Zhiheng Pei as we talk about new research, what it means to you and your family!

Call us with your questions about reflux...hear answers from the laboratory bench to the office! at 1-877-NYU-DOCS.

Of course, we will finish the show with Ask Doctor Ira, where I will answer any medical question at all! I would like to thank everyone for emailing their questions to us as really helps us plan show topics that we know you want to us at 1-877-NYU-DOCS or you can email me at irabreite(AT)

You can also follow me on Twitter:

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Monday, July 27th, 2009 on the Doctor Ira Breite Show on Sirius 114 and XM 119: Doctor Radio!

Although you wouldn't know it in the North East, summer is well on its way (as I write this, it raining yet again). Continuing our summer theme of prevention and health, we have a whole slew of great guests for tomorrows show ready to talk with me and answer all of your questions.

Celiac disease has been in the news recently. A recent study shows the incidence of this disease going up significantly since the 1950's. We have Laurie Higgins, a registered dietician at the Joslin Diabetes Center (and an expert on Celiac), will be joining us from 8 to 8:30 Eastern.

Call us with your questions on Celiac disease at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

After this we have the one-two punch of prevention and cardiology. First, we have Dr. James Underberg on: he is an expert on cholesterol and we will be talking about that as well as the trickiest of those numbers: the triglyceride! Then we will have Dr. Dennis Goodman, who will talk about preventitive Cardiology and Complementary Medicine (don't know what it is....then listen!)

Call us from 8:30 to 9:30 with your cardiology questions at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

We will end the show, as usual, with Ask Dr. Ira, where I will answer any question on any medical topic at all...just like my real office. If you forgot to ask your own doctor, give me a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009 on the Doctor Ira Breite Show: Sirius 114 and XM 119 DOCTOR RADIO!

Chronic pelvic pain is a miserable problem with very few good treatments available. So it is with some excitement that natural Doctor Geo Espinosa of the NYU-Langone Medical Center will be with us again to talk about NOT using medication to treat chronic pelvic pain, chronic urinary tract infection, and interstitial cystitis. If you have been suffering from these problems you are going to want to call and hear Dr. Espinosa's advice on an "alternative" view!

Call us with you pelvic pain and interstitial cystitis questions at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Michael Jackson may be gone, but the problems he suffered from continue. Join me and pain expert Doctor David Kloth to talk about addiction issues: from who can become an addict after using pain medication legitimately to doctor shopping and worse.

If you have any questions about the safety of pain medications or anesthesia, or are worried about a loved ones use of pain pills, give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS.

Then its the hives!!! Doctor Alan Kaplan an allergist at the Medical University of South Carolina will be on the air to discuss hives, rashes and lumps: learn to why that type IV hypersensitivity reaction may be worse than you think (and what it is, of course!)

Call us with your allergy and skin rash questions at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Of course, we will have ask Dr. Ira, where I will answer all of your questions on any medical topic at me with any question you forgot to ask your own doctor at 1-877-NYU-DOCS

Image Source:

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Monday, July 13th, 2009 on the Doctor Ira Breite Show: Sirius 114 and XM 119, Doctor Radio!

Here I sit, recovering from a night of barbecue and homemade bread, while in a lab somewhere, rhesus monkeys that were starved are living longer than those that ate a "normal diet." What does this mean. Join me tomorrow and hear about this latest research and call with your questions for me and Keri Gans, Dietitian, about this interesting issue!

As a gastroenterologist, I spend a lot of time thinking about gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD), but my practice consists of adults. GERD is increasing as a problem in younger people as well. I'll be discussing this problem with Beth Anderson, of the Pediatric Adolescent Gastroesophageal Association.

If you have a baby, a child, or a teenager with reflux and need practical questions answered, give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Do you know someone who keeps pulling at her hair? Eat it even? Yes, this is a serious problem for some people (wait till you hear about one of my patients and how she almost ended up in surgery from it!). Join me and Dr. Jon Grant of the University of Minnesota, the author of "Stop Me Because I Can't Stop Myself" to talk about hair pulling and other impulse control issues.

If you or a loved one pulls their hair or has other problems with hair pulling, we have one of the world's experts to help answer your questions! Call us at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Of course, we will have Ask Dr. Ira, where you can ask me any questions on any medical topic at all: as a primary care doctor and gastroenterologist, I love to help you with your medical problems! Give the show a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

PHOTO CREDIT: University of Wisconsin-Madison, photo by Jeff Miller

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Monday, July 6th 2009 on the Doctor Ira Breite Show on Sirius 114 and XM 119: Doctor Radio

I hope your Fourth of July was great. Mine was, and we just returned from a long weekend of exercise (sort of), eating too much (for real) and eating too much sweet stuff (ditto). Do I have a show for me!

We are going to start off talking about grilling and try to answer a question that seems to afflict some of my guests: What about all the vegetarian food. Keri Gans will be joining us to talk about this issue, and we'll be happy to answer any of your summer grilling questions at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Can exercise kill you? Although its something I often tell my wife in an effort to get out of it, there is a rare symptom of something called exercise induced anaphylaxis, which very well might. Find out about this scary disorder, and have your summer allergy questions answered by my guests Courtney Roush, who wrote an article about this in Running Times Magazine and Dr. Allen Kaplan, an allergist. Call us at 1-877-NYU-DOCS.

You may have thought that you lucked out after that exercise segment (sorry, you still have too), but our third segment promises to be extremely interesting for those of you worried about sugar. Nancy Stedman from More magazine will be here to talk to me about the worrisome relationship of sugar with a variety of diseases.

We will end up the show with "Ask Dr. Ira," where you can call me at 1-877-NYU-DOCS and ask me about any medical problem at all and I will be happy to answer you. When you forgot to ask your own doctor ask me!

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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Monday, June 29, 2009 on the Doctor Ira Breite Show on Sirius 114 and XM 119, Doctor Radio!

A very brief post today, not because the show is not great (it is), but simply because I sent both of my kids off to sleep away camp today: a long day indeed!

We are starting off the show with TMJ: Joined by Dr. Mark Wolff, we will discuss this extremely important cause of headaches. Difficult to treat, we will answer your questions about this miserable and common condition. Call us at 1-877-NYU-DOCS

After this, we get to Michael Jackson. Although the fan in me remembered his music, the physician in me really wondered what was going on with him. I will be Joined by Dr. Marc K. Siegel, the Medical Director of Doctor Radio, and we will discuss how some of these things which we associate with "oddness" may apply to all of us!

Today was hot. Even riding my motorcycle resulted in serious loss of fluids. Imagine if I actually exercised. Joining me to talk about the summer heat, exercise, and what YOU can do about it is Dr. Dogulas Casa, PhD, of the University Connecticut and the National Atheletic Trainers Association.

We will finish up with Ask Dr. Ira, where I will gladly answer any of your questions on any medical topic at all. Remember, when you forget to ask your Doctor, ask me at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009 on the Doctor Ira Breite Show on Sirius 114 and XM 119, Doctor Radio!

Happy Summer! A wet one here in New York, but you still have to enjoy the daylight and the warmer than winter weather!

We have a great show lined up for everyone on Monday. As everyone knows, I consider myself the consummate professional on all things stool related. I understand why good bowel habits are important and I understand why so many of us are afraid (or just disgusted) to talk about it. So it is always a pleasure to have a guest on the air with a similar mindset. Dr. Anish Sheth, a gastroenterologist and the author of What's Your Poo Telling You will be joining me to talk about everything you ever wanted to know about your stool, but were afraid to ask. If you have any questions about stool that we don't talk about, give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS and we'll answer it!

Most of us don't take the physical punishment that NFL players do, but, if you are active, you are likely to start having some injuries (Did I tell you about my shoulder recently...owww!). And we may have a lot to learn from former NFL players. Joining us to discuss his research is Dr. Andrew Hecht, a spine surgeon, who will talk to us about what the NFL is doing for its former players as well as what you can do for your aching back!!

If you have back pain, give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

And what about Zicam. For years, people have been telling me in the office that they take stuff for a cold and it works. As a physician, I had no cure (else I would be on an Island in the Carribean) and often said "sure! If it works for you!" Joining us will be NYU Assistant Professor and Head of ENT at North Shore University Hospital Todd Schaeffer to talk about Zicam, other over the counter remedies, and what you can do for the common cold, your sinuses and allergies!

If you have any questions about over the counter remedies for colds, the flu and allergies, give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!!

Of course, we will end the show with "Ask Dr. Ira," where I can answer all of the questions that you forgot to ask your own doctor. When your doctor doesn't have the time, we do!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Monday, June 15th, 2009 on the Doctor Ira Breite Show on Doctor Radio: Sirius 114 and XM 119!

If you've ever wondered about what to do to help achieve regularity, you have to to listen to us at 8AM Eastern! Joining Dr. Ira will be Dr. Wes Jones, who has written a book about fiber and colon cleansing for constipation. Hear contrasting points of view on regularity and make sure to call us at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

After this, I will be spending the next hour talking about two important issues in Men's Health: male infertility and prostate issues. Dr. Stanton Honig, a urologist and the President of the Society of Male Reproduction and Scott Willams, of the Men's Health Network will be joining me to talk about male infertility. If you have any questions about this sensitive issue, please call us at 1-877-NYU-DOCS.

Regarding the latter, we have Dr. Geo Espinosa, the director of Integrative Urological Center here at NYU-Langone joining us to talk about some of the NON-MEDICAL things that you can do to improve your prostate health!

If you have any questions at all on any medical topics, please call me at 1-877-NYU-DOCS from 9:30 AM Eastern. As an internist, its my passion to help answer medical questions on anything from an abscess to a zoonosis! Remember, when your doctor doesn't have the time, we do!

Image Credit:

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Tomorrow, June 8th on the Doctor Ira Breite Show: Sirius 114 and XM 119

Did you ever wonder what 10,000 diabetes specialists would talk about if they all got together in New Orleans? The latest advances in diabetes and possibly a way to make a low-cal Hurricane would be my guess, but you can out find for yourself tomorrow on the Doctor Ira Breite Show! We'll be joined by endocrinologist Stuart Weiss who will tell us about all of the important things going on at the American Diabetes Association Meetings!

Recent studies indicate that holding your cellphone can lead to elbow pain...we'll be talking to an pain expert Dr. David Kloth on pain about repetitive stress injuries and what you can do about them.

Sports isn't just about exercise: its about getting in the frame of mind to play: whether you are a world class athlete, a child on a sports team, or even out for a weekend round of golf. Doctor Ira will be joined by psychologist Marianne Engel, PhD of NYU's Child Study Center to talk about the importance of getting your head (and the head of your kid) in the game.

If you have any medical question at all give Doctor Ira a call from 9:30 -10:00 Eastern! As an internist, he can answer your questions on any medical topics including carpal tunnel syndrome, heart disease, and digestive issues. Doctor Ira has the time to answer the questions that you forgot to ask your own doctor!

We would love to hear from you on ANY of these topics. Please call us at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Monday on Doctor Radio on the Doctor Ira Breite Show: Sirius 114 and XM 119

A happy Sunday to everyone. We have a great show planned for Monday. In addition to taking your calls on any medical topic on "Ask Doctor Ira," we have some very exciting guests lined up to talk with me.

Sonia Sotomayor is garnering headlines as President Obama's pick to be a Supreme Court Justice. But what interested us here at Doctor Radio was her diabetes, which she has had till the age of 8. Join me in welcoming Joy Pape, the author of "The Real Life Guide to Diabetes" and we will talk about what it really means to live with diabetes.

If you have any questions at all about living with your diabetes (or the diabetes of a loved one) please give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

While everyone is talking about the flu, the real issue in the internist's office at this time of the year is allergy, asthma and sinusitis. And although it seems like I can spend my day seeing the same diagnosis, in fact every patient has a unique problem requring a personalized solution. For this reason I am happy to have Dr. Todd Schaeffer back on the show. Doctor Shaffer, an otolaryngologist, will be able to answer all of your questions about sinus problems. He will also be talking to us about an new experimental surgical procedure to treat sinusitis.

We will also be talking about colon cancer prevention this week! Recently, CMS, the Government agency that runs Medicare and Medicaid, decided not to pay for CT (virtual) colonoscopy. Right or wrong, the decision is far reaching and will ultimately affect most Americans. As a gastronenterologist, I am quite familiar with the Colonoscopy procedure. But I thought it would be interesting to have an expert on Virtual Colonoscopy come in and talk to us about this procedure, how its done, and its future. Joining me is Dr. Elliot Fishman of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

If you have any questions about colonoscopy, CT colonoscopy give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

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Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day

The Doctor Ira Breite Show will be back live next week on Sirius 114/XM 119. I hope you and your family have a happy and healthy Memorial Day. Please remember and honor those in uniform serving our Country.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Tomorrow, May 18th on the Doctor Ira Breite Show on Sirius 114 and XM 119, Doctor Radio!

We have another great show tomorrow.  A brief rundown follows.

First, we have the former winner of the "The Biggest Loser" winner Erik Chopin!!  He will be talking about his latest efforts to lose some of the weight that he gained after the Biggest Loser victory in 2006.  Find out about what he plans to do it!

If you have any questions for Erik, or if you want to share your own stories of weight loss (or gain) give us a call at Doctor Radio: 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

One of the great risks of obesity is diabetes. And one of the dreaded complications of diabetes is neuropathy.  I'll be talking to Dr. David Kloth of Connecticut Pain Care about what causes this problem and what you can do about it!

If you have been having painful complications from your diabetes, give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Diabetics are at risk for heart disease, and both cause risks for sexual health (Some studies show that the rate of heart attacks goes up 2 and half fold immediately after sexual activity!)  Join me and Urologist Joseph Alukal as we tackle this sensitive topic!

If you have heart disease, diabetes or other chronic medical problems and are worried about sex, give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS.

We will end the show with Ask Dr. Ira, where you can ask me questions on any medical topic at all and I will tell you stories from my own office!

Give me a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS with all of your medical questions!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Tomorrow, May 11, 2009 on the Doctor Ira Breite Show on Sirius 114 and XM 119

If you've ever had so many problems with your kids that you think you're having a heart attack while your joints are killing you then we are ready for you! We have a great show lined up for tomorrow.

We are starting off with resident cardiology expert Stephen Siegel MD, who will go over some new studies that are important to millions of people who have had cardiac stents and are now taking medications to prevent a clot from reforming. In honor of my recent check up, we will also talk about the heart tests that you are likely to have. There is also a lot of new information on the stents themselves.

We would love to answer any cardiology questions that you may have...give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Lori Evans, PhD, my fellow Doctor Radio Host and Child Psychologist, will join us next. She will be talking about all forms of issues in adolecents. We realized that I was probably the only Doctor Radio Host with middle school aged children (lucky me) and that I would not need any prep at all!

If you have any questions at all about your adolecent's behavior, give me and Dr. Evans a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

After this, Burt Agus, MD, our fibromyalgia expert, will join us to tell us about some of the latests updates in this disease and to answer your questions on this as well as its cousin: chronic fatigue syndrome. Did you know that a drug that treats heroin addiction may help relieve symptoms in this disease!!! Find out by listening.

If you have any questions on fatigue, exhaustion or pain you may be having, give me and Dr. Agus a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Of course, we'll have a full segment of Ask Dr. Ira, where I will go over all of the interesting things that I saw in my office as well as take all of your questions on any medical topic at all!

If you have any questions on ANY MEDICAL TOPIC AT ALL give me a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Image Source:

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Tomorrow, May 4th, 2009 on the Doctor Ira Breite Show on Sirius 114/XM119

Hello, and greetings from New York, The H1N1 Flu Capitol of the US.  And we are still not worried!  You won't be worried either, after listening to Sirius/XM's hourly flu updates here on Doctor Radio at the top of the hour!  Stay tuned.  There are also updates on other stations (I was on the Catholic Channel Last week).

But, there is a lot more than flu going on around healthwise, and Doctor Radio and the Doctor Ira Breite Show are not forgetting that!  We have a great line up.

There has been so much interest in heart arrythmias during our cardiology segments that that we decided to bring on a specialist in this specific problem.  My former co-resident, Doug Holmes, MD, an electrophysiologist at NYU, will discuss various arrythmia issues, including atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardias, and even heart problems in children.

If you have any questions about your beating heart (or the heart of a loved one, including children!) call us at 1-877-NYU-DOCS.

OK, besides H1N1 Flu, the media is full of stories about the recession.  One of the ones that caught our eye is that, in an effort to save costs, more men are having vasectomies! While its not for us to tell people what to do in this sensitive area, it is important to know your birth control options, including vasectomy.  

If you have any questions about vasectomy, male birth control, or reversing a prior vasectomy, now would be a great time to call us at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Of course all of this talk about birth control leads to....headaches (ha ha, and sorry to everyone but I couldn't resist!).  Deciphering and treating headaches ranges from the incredibly easy to the confoundingly difficult.  Join me and my guest, Neurologist and Headache expert Dr. Keith Siller, as he answer all of YOUR questions about headaches, what to do about them and what tests you may need.

Got a headache? need an answer?  call us at 1-877-NYU-DOCS

Of course, we will have a full segment of Ask Doctor Ira where you can ask me any question on any medical topic you want...CALL me at 1-877-NYU-DOCS

If you have any ideas for a show, or any questions, feel free me to email me at irabreite AT yahoo DOT com.  Remember, this advice is not a substitute for seeing a doctor.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Tomorrow, April 27, 2009 on the Doctor Ira Breite Show on Sirius 114 and XM 119

We have an excellent show planned for tomorrow, loosely based on the idea of "getting in healthy shape for Spring."  During Ask Dr. Ira, we'll also talk a little bit about the growing Swine Flu epidemic in the United States.  

We're going to start out talking to Dr. Michael Bergman, and endocrinologist at the NYU Langone Medical Center about Pre-diabetes.  As an internist, I've seen this term bandied about by physicians and patients alike and I would like some straight answers to questions such as "what is it?"  If I have it, can I get rid of it?   Does it need medication?  How old do you have to be to think about if you have it...and many more.  I am also looking forward to your questions on the issue...its important and a bit confusing: the reason Dr. Radio was created!

Call with all of your questions on Pre-Diabetes to 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

After the break, we're going to bring back Steve Siegel MD, Doctor Ira's resident cardiologist.  We'll go over a wide range of cardiology topics, and really look forward to hearing your questions on anything from cholesterol to stents to a heart transplant!  Give me and Dr. Siegel a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

No chat about getting in shape for spring and summer would be complete without a little talk about back pain: the nemesis for so many of us.  Joining us will be Dr. Emile Hiesiger, A neurologist and radiologist and the author of "Your Pain is Real, and You Can Do Something About It" as well as "Say Goodbye to Back Pain."    We'll talk about what causes back pain, what you can do to diagnose it, and treatments ranging from medication, to minimally invasive procedures to surgery! 

We'd love to hear your back pain questions and problems...give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

We'll finish off the show with "Ask Dr. Ira."  We'll answer all of your questions on any medical topics at all as well as speak about the new Swine Flu cases in the United States.

CALL ME on any medical topic at all at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Guest Appearance on the Oncology Show!

I will be on the Oncology show (Sirius 114 and XM 119) tomorrow at 1PM Eastern to talk about colon cancer prevention! If you have ever wondered about colonoscopy, or want to hear about whether the virtual colonoscopy is just as good, or what kind of medications you will receive so it won't hurt, now is a great time to call. Our phone number is 1-8770-NYU-DOCS!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Tomorrow, April 20, 2009 on the Doctor Ira Breite Show on Sirius 114/XM 119

Hello Drivers!  Next week is Driver's week across SiriusXM, and my show is no exception to the rule.  But whether you drive a big rig, a hybrid, or ride a bike (yes, you can have SiriusXM on your motorcycle!) there are lot of important health issues for those of us on the road.  We'll be tackling some of them on the show tomorrow.

Heartburn is a huge problem for all of us: drivers and non drivers alike.  Joining me for a "heartburn duo" is Jill Sklar,  the author of "Eating for Acid Reflux: a Handbook and Cookbook for Those with Heartburn."  The one-two punch of gastroenterologist and cook should help you understand you reflux better and learn how to cope with it while minimizing your medication use! 

If you have any questions about reflux, from the preparation of the right foods to the latest advances in surgical cures, give us at call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

The spring brings it beauty, but it all brings beasts.  Joining me in studio is Doctor Radio Regular and Bug and Germ expert Phillip Tierno, PhD, the author of "The Secret Life of Germs."  We'll be talking about bed bugs (we are all obsessed with bed bugs in New York City at the moment, for reasons that will become clear to you as you listen) and how YOU can protect yourself and your family from infestation this spring and summer.  

You will never look at a hotel room the same way again!

If you have any questions about how to protect your family and yourself from bed bugs and any other creepy crawly thing that might get you when you sleep, give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

We will then combine our two topics!!!  We have all been reading in the news recently about various food infestations (I miss pistachios).  Well, as much as I have skills in treating food born illness, I'd be much happier if it never happened.  Joining me to give tips on how to avoid problems with YOUR food at home is Ms. Shelly Feist of the Partnership for Food Safety Information.  

If you have any questions on keeping your family safe from the things you eat, give us call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Of course, we will have a great segment of ask Dr. Ira, where I will tell you about some of the stuff that I see in my own office as well as taking your calls on ANY MEDICAL TOPIC at all!

Give me a call with any medical question at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

If you have any ideas for a show topic you'd like to hear let me know!  Send me an email to irabreite AT yahoo DOT com!

image is from

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Tomorrow, April 13th, 2009 on the Doctor Ira Breite Show on Sirius 114 and XM 119

Happy birthday to me! Well, not yet, but it is this week. In honor of that, Melanie, my Producer, has helped put together my second annual BIRTHDAY SHOW, where a man in (early) middle age gets to ask all of the questions that he's always wanted to know. And so do you, by calling my guests at 1-877-NYU-DOCS.

First of all is the hair. The nemesis of the middle aged man. Have it and you can become President. Don't have it and the future is cloudy. I am clearly thinning and getting a bit worried. Joining me to talk about hair restoration is Dr. Ken Washinek, a dermatologist and the medical director of Bosley Medical.

If you've ever wondered about hair restoration for yourself or a loved one, give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

After that, we'll talk about middle aged men's health. Not that I have any issues (oh, no), but many men do. Dr. Joseph Alukal, director of Reproductive Health and Benign Diseases of the Prostate to answer all of my (and yours) questions about aging and sexual activity. I also read in the paper that vasectomies were on the rise (the economy) and will ask him about this procedure as well!

If you have any questions about sexual health, vasectomy or testosterone supplementation, give us a call at 1-877-NYU-DOCS

Since seeing pictures from the early part of my vacation I have been hitting the gym and really trying to watch what I eat. (I think my new diet plan involves taking a photo of yourself every week). Joining me to keep me thin is Ms. Joy Bauer / a registered dietician and the author Joy's Life Diet, Four Steps to Thin Forever."

Diet questions??? Maintenance questions??? Call us at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!!

And then, ask Dr. Ira. Remember, if you have a question for me, leave me a message at I'll try to get to it during Ask Dr. Ira or turn it into a whole segment with one of the world's experts!

Any medical questions at all call me at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Tomorrow, April 6th 2009 on The Doctor Ira Breite Show: Sirius 114 and XM 119

We finally have a sunny day here in New York City, although it does not appear to be slated to last.  Rain or shine, we have a great show planned for tomorrow.  We are starting off by talking about the most common serious heart arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation,  with leading expert Dr. Larry Chinitz.  There is a new study about the use of a clot preventing drug, stroke and atrial fibrillation, and we will go over those results.  We will also be answering all of your questions about 1) heart rhythm issues, 2) the use of medications in heart rhythm disorders, and the use of procedures to fix the heart!  

Call us with your heart questions at 1-877-NYU-DOCS

After this, we go from the heart to the back.  Sciatica specifically.  Join me and Intervention Pain Specialist Dr. David  Kloth as we talk about this miserable problem and some of the things that YOU can do to help it: including rehabilitation, medication, and minimally invasive procedures.  If you have been bothered by your back (and who hasn't) give us a call at 


We start our second hour talking to Dr. Stuart Fischer, the founder of the Park Avenue Diet Center in New York City.  We'll be talking about the Park Avenue Diet, other diets, and why so many diets fail.  Since I need to lose a few pounds myself (although I am 

If you would like to have your weight loss questions answered call me us at 1-877-NYU-DOCS!

Of course, we will end the show with ask Dr. Ira.  Thank you so much for all of your emails and calls...we will try to get to as many as we can!!!

image from Wikipedia